Here are some of the 'funner' things we've done as a family over the Christmas break. Some are traditions, some 'r not...
- Take one of the FREE personality or intelligence tests at Testdex. Compare results.
- Share a Christmas eve Breakfast. Turk on the TV comedy Scrubs calls this 'Brinner'.
- Open one present on Christmas eve and the rest on Christmas morning.
- Take a picture of the "present" that Shamus left for us under the Christmas tree.
- Play speed Scrabble.
- Play Amy Grant's Christmas album and see how long it takes for Shannon to complain.
- Catch a movie.
- Play Nerts.
- Play Upwords.
- Play Rummikub.
- Read the Christmas Story, of course.
- When the kids were little we'd build a fort out of a refrigerator box, build a mattress slide down the stairs, build a fort with blankets and couch cushions, play indoor tackle football with Dad, get bumped onto the couch cushions on the floor.
- Cook and bake experimental goodies (usually they're Very Good!).
- This year I'd like to deliver some of those experimental goodies to neighbors.
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